Tencent Cloud TRTC SDK, is a high availability components serving tens of thousands of enterprise customers, which is committed to helping you to minimize your research and development costs.
Create Instance And Event Callback
getTRTCShareInstance Create TRTCCloud instance (singleton mode)
destroyTRTCShareInstance Terminate TRTCCloud instance (singleton mode)
addCallback Set TRTC event callback
removeCallback Remove TRTC event callback

Room APIs

enterRoom Enter room
exitRoom Exit room
switchRole Switch role
switchRoom Switch room
connectOtherRoom Request cross-room call
disconnectOtherRoom Exit cross-room call
setDefaultStreamRecvMode Set subscription mode (which must be set before room entry for it to take effect)
createSubCloud Create room subinstance (for concurrent multi-room listen/watch)
destroySubCloud Terminate room subinstance


startPublishing Start publishing audio/video streams to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
stopPublishing Stop publishing audio/video streams to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
startPublishCDNStream Start publishing audio/video streams to non-Tencent Cloud CDN
stopPublishCDNStream Stop publishing audio/video streams to non-Tencent Cloud CDN
setMixTranscodingConfig Set the layout and transcoding parameters of On-Cloud MixTranscoding

Video APIs

startLocalPreview Enable the preview image of local camera (mobile)
startLocalPreview Enable the preview image of local camera (desktop)
updateLocalView Update the preview image of local camera
stopLocalPreview Stop camera preview
muteLocalVideo Pause/Resume publishing local video stream
startRemoteView Subscribe to remote user's video stream and bind video rendering control
updateRemoteView Update remote user's video rendering control
stopRemoteView Stop subscribing to remote user's video stream and release rendering control
stopAllRemoteView Stop subscribing to all remote users' video streams and release all rendering resources
muteRemoteVideoStream Pause/Resume subscribing to remote user's video stream
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams Pause/Resume subscribing to all remote users' video streams
setVideoEncoderParam Set the encoding parameters of video encoder
setNetworkQosParam Set network quality control parameters
setLocalRenderParams Set the rendering parameters of local video image
setRemoteRenderParams Set the rendering mode of remote video image
setVideoEncoderRotation Set the direction of image output by video encoder
setVideoEncoderMirror Set the mirror mode of image output by encoder
enableSmallVideoStream Enable dual-channel encoding mode with big and small images
setRemoteVideoStreamType Switch the big/small image of specified remote user
snapshotVideo Screencapture video

Audio APIs

startLocalAudio Enable local audio capturing and publishing
stopLocalAudio Stop local audio capturing and publishing
muteLocalAudio Pause/Resume publishing local audio stream
muteRemoteAudio Pause/Resume playing back remote audio stream
muteAllRemoteAudio Pause/Resume playing back all remote users' audio streams
setRemoteAudioVolume Set the audio playback volume of remote user
setAudioCaptureVolume Set the capturing volume of local audio
getAudioCaptureVolume Get the capturing volume of local audio
setAudioPlayoutVolume Set the playback volume of remote audio
getAudioPlayoutVolume Get the playback volume of remote audio
enableAudioVolumeEvaluation Enable volume reminder
startAudioRecording Start audio recording
stopAudioRecording Stop audio recording
startLocalRecording Start local media recording
stopLocalRecording Stop local media recording
setRemoteAudioParallelParams Set the parallel strategy of remote audio streams

Device management APIs

getDeviceManager Get device management class (TXDeviceManager)

Beauty filter and watermark APIs

setBeautyStyle Set special effects such as beauty, brightening, and rosy skin filters
setWaterMark Add watermark

Background music and sound effect APIs

getAudioEffectManager Get sound effect management class (TXAudioEffectManager)
startSystemAudioLoopback Enable system audio capturing (for desktop systems only)
stopSystemAudioLoopback Stop system audio capturing (for desktop systems only)
setSystemAudioLoopbackVolume Set the volume of system audio capturing

Screen sharing APIs

startScreenCapture Start desktop screen sharing (for desktop systems only)
stopScreenCapture Stop screen sharing
pauseScreenCapture Pause screen sharing
resumeScreenCapture Resume screen sharing
getScreenCaptureSources Enumerate shareable screens and windows (for desktop systems only)
selectScreenCaptureTarget Select the screen or window to share (for desktop systems only)
setSubStreamEncoderParam Set the video encoding parameters of screen sharing (i.e., substream) (for desktop and mobile systems)
setSubStreamMixVolume Set the audio mixing volume of screen sharing (for desktop systems only)
addExcludedShareWindow Add specified windows to the exclusion list of screen sharing (for desktop systems only)
removeExcludedShareWindow Remove specified windows from the exclusion list of screen sharing (for desktop systems only)
removeAllExcludedShareWindow Remove all windows from the exclusion list of screen sharing (for desktop systems only)
addIncludedShareWindow Add specified windows to the inclusion list of screen sharing (for desktop systems only)
removeIncludedShareWindow Remove specified windows from the inclusion list of screen sharing (for desktop systems only)
removeAllIncludedShareWindow Remove all windows from the inclusion list of screen sharing (for desktop systems only)

Custom capturing and rendering APIs

enableCustomVideoCapture Enable/Disable custom video capturing mode
sendCustomVideoData Deliver captured video frames to SDK
enableCustomAudioCapture Enable custom audio capturing mode
sendCustomAudioData Deliver captured audio data to SDK
enableMixExternalAudioFrame Enable/Disable custom audio track
mixExternalAudioFrame Mix custom audio track into SDK
setMixExternalAudioVolume Set the publish volume and playback volume of mixed custom audio track
generateCustomPTS Generate custom capturing timestamp
setLocalVideoProcessCallback Set video data callback for third-party beauty filters
setLocalVideoRenderCallback Set the callback of custom rendering for local video
setRemoteVideoRenderCallback Set the callback of custom rendering for remote video
setAudioFrameCallback Set custom audio data callback
setMixedPlayAudioFrameCallbackFormat Set the callback format of audio frames to be played back by system
enableCustomAudioRendering Enabling custom audio playback
getCustomAudioRenderingFrame Getting playable audio data

Custom message sending APIs

sendCustomCmdMsg Use UDP channel to send custom message to all users in room
sendSEIMsg Use SEI channel to send custom message to all users in room

Network test APIs

startSpeedTest Start network speed test (used before room entry)
stopSpeedTest Stop network speed test

Debugging APIs

getSDKVersion Get SDK version information
setLogLevel Set log output level
setConsoleEnabled Enable/Disable console log printing
setLogCompressEnabled Enable/Disable local log compression
setLogDirPath Set local log storage path
setLogCallback Set log callback
showDebugView Display dashboard
callExperimentalAPI Call experimental APIs

Disused APIs

enableCustomVideoCapture Enable custom video capturing mode
sendCustomVideoData Deliver captured video data to SDK
muteLocalVideo Pause/Resume publishing local video stream
muteRemoteVideoStream Pause/Resume subscribing to remote user's video stream
startSpeedTest Start network speed test (used before room entry)

Error and warning events

onError Error event callback
onWarning Warning event callback

Room event callback

onEnterRoom Whether room entry is successful
onExitRoom Room exit
onSwitchRole Role switching
onSwitchRoom Result of room switching
onConnectOtherRoom Result of requesting cross-room call
onDisconnectOtherRoom Result of ending cross-room call

User event callback

onRemoteUserEnterRoom A user entered the room
onRemoteUserLeaveRoom A user exited the room
onUserVideoAvailable A remote user published/unpublished primary stream video
onUserSubStreamAvailable A remote user published/unpublished substream video
onUserAudioAvailable A remote user published/unpublished audio
onFirstVideoFrame The SDK started rendering the first video frame of the local or a remote user
onFirstAudioFrame The SDK started playing the first audio frame of a remote user
onSendFirstLocalVideoFrame The first local video frame was published
onSendFirstLocalAudioFrame The first local audio frame was published
onRemoteVideoStatusUpdated Change of remote video status

Callback of statistics on network and technical metrics

onNetworkQuality Real-time network quality statistics
onStatistics Real-time statistics on technical metrics
onSpeedTestResult Callback of network speed test

Callback of connection to the cloud

onConnectionLost The SDK was disconnected from the cloud
onTryToReconnect The SDK is reconnecting to the cloud
onConnectionRecovery The SDK is reconnected to the cloud

Callback of hardware events

onCameraDidReady The camera is ready
onMicDidReady The mic is ready
onUserVoiceVolume Volume
onDeviceChange The status of a local device changed (for desktop OS only)
onAudioDeviceCaptureVolumeChanged The capturing volume of the mic changed
onAudioDevicePlayoutVolumeChanged The playback volume changed
onSystemAudioLoopbackError Whether system audio capturing is enabled successfully (for macOS only)
onTestMicVolume Volume during mic test
onTestSpeakerVolume Volume during speaker test

Callback of the receipt of a custom message

onRecvCustomCmdMsg Receipt of custom message
onMissCustomCmdMsg Loss of custom message
onRecvSEIMsg Receipt of SEI message

CDN event callback

onStartPublishing Started publishing to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
onStopPublishing Stopped publishing to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
onStartPublishCDNStream Started publishing to non-Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN
onStopPublishCDNStream Stopped publishing to non-Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN
onSetMixTranscodingConfig Set the layout and transcoding parameters for On-Cloud MixTranscoding

Screen sharing event callback

onScreenCaptureStarted Screen sharing started
onScreenCapturePaused Screen sharing was paused
onScreenCaptureResumed Screen sharing was resumed
onScreenCaptureStoped Screen sharing stopped
onScreenCaptureCovered The shared window was covered (for Windows only)

Callback of local recording and screenshot events

onLocalRecordBegin Local recording started
onLocalRecording Local media is being recorded
onLocalRecordComplete Local recording stopped
onSnapshotComplete Finished taking a local screenshot

Disused callbacks

onUserEnter An anchor entered the room (disused)
onUserExit An anchor left the room (disused)
onAudioEffectFinished Audio effects ended (disused)
onPlayBGMBegin Started playing background music (disused)
onPlayBGMProgress Playback progress of background music (disused)
onPlayBGMComplete Background music stopped (disused)
onSpeedTest Result of server speed testing (disused)

Callback of custom video processing

onRenderVideoFrame Custom video rendering
onProcessVideoFrame Video processing by third-party beauty filters

Callback of custom audio processing

onCapturedRawAudioFrame Raw audio data captured locally
onLocalProcessedAudioFrame Audio data captured by the local mic and pre-processed by the audio module
onPlayAudioFrame Audio data of each remote user before audio mixing
onMixedPlayAudioFrame Data mixed from each channel before being submitted to the system for playback

Other event callbacks

onLog Printing of local log

Definitions of video enumerated values

TRTCVideoResolution Video resolution
TRTCVideoResolutionMode Video aspect ratio mode
TRTCVideoStreamType Video stream type
TRTCVideoFillMode Video image fill mode
TRTCVideoRotation Video image rotation direction
TRTCVideoPixelFormat Video pixel format
TRTCVideoBufferType Video data transfer method
TRTCVideoMirrorType Video mirror type
TRTCSnapshotSourceType Data source of local video screenshot

Definitions of network enumerated values

TRTCAppScene Use cases
TRTCRoleType Role
TRTCQosControlMode QoS control mode (disused)
TRTCVideoQosPreference Image quality preference
TRTCQualityInfo Network quality
TRTCAVStatusType Audio/Video playback status
TRTCAVStatusChangeReason Reasons for playback status changes

Definitions of audio enumerated values

TRTCAudioQuality Sound quality

Definitions of other enumerated values

TRTCLogLevel Log level
TRTCTranscodingConfigMode Layout mode of On-Cloud MixTranscoding
TRTCLocalRecordType Media recording type
TRTCMixInputType Stream mix input type
TRTCDeviceType Device type (for desktop platforms only)
TRTCAudioRecordingContent Audio recording content type

Definitions of core TRTC classes

TRTCParams Room entry parameters
TRTCVideoEncParam Video encoding parameters
TRTCNetworkQosParam Network QoS control parameter set
TRTCRenderParams Rendering parameters of video image
TRTCQualityInfo Network quality
TRTCVolumeInfo Volume
TRTCSpeedTestParams Network speed testing parameters
TRTCSpeedTestResult Network speed test result
TRTCVideoFrame Video frame information
TRTCAudioFrame Audio frame data
TRTCMixUser Description information of each video image in On-Cloud MixTranscoding
TRTCTranscodingConfig Layout and transcoding parameters of On-Cloud MixTranscoding
TRTCPublishCDNParam Push parameters required to be set when publishing audio/video streams to non-Tencent Cloud CDN
TRTCAudioRecordingParams Local audio file recording parameters
TRTCLocalRecordingParams Local media file recording parameters
TRTCAudioEffectParam Sound effect parameter (disused)
TRTCSwitchRoomConfig Room switch parameter
TRTCAudioFrameCallbackFormat Format parameter of custom audio callback
TRTCScreenCaptureSourceInfo Screen sharing target information (for desktop systems only)
ITRTCScreenCaptureSourceList List of sharable screens and windows
TRTCScreenCaptureProperty Advanced control parameter of screen sharing