sendCustomAudioData abstract method

void sendCustomAudioData(
  1. TRTCAudioFrame frame

Deliver captured audio data to SDK

We recommend you enter the following information for the TRTCAudioFrame parameter (other fields can be left empty):

  • audioFormat:
  • data:
    • Audio frame buffer. Audio frame data must be in PCM format, and it supports a frame length of 5–100 ms (20 ms is recommended). Length calculation method: For example, if the sample rate is 48000, then the frame length for mono channel will be 48000 * 0.02s * 1 * 16 bit = 15360 bit = 1920 bytes.
  • sampleRate:
    • Sample rate. Valid values: 16000, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000.
  • channel:
    • Number of channels (if stereo is used, data is interwoven).
    • Valid values: 1: mono channel; 2: dual channel.
  • timestamp (ms):



  • Please call this API accurately at intervals of the frame length; otherwise, sound lag may occur due to uneven data delivery intervals.


void sendCustomAudioData(TRTCAudioFrame frame);