videoPacketLoss property

  1. @JsonKey(name: 'videoPacketLoss')
int videoPacketLoss
getter/setter pair
  • Field description: total packet loss rate (%) of the video stream
  • videoPacketLoss represents the packet loss rate eventually calculated on the audience side after the audio/video stream goes through the complete transfer linkage of "anchor -> cloud -> audience".
  • The smaller the videoPacketLoss , the better. The packet loss rate of 0 indicates that all data of the video stream has entirely reached the audience.
  • If downLoss is 0 but videoPacketLoss isn't, there is no packet loss on the linkage of "cloud -> audience" for the video stream, but there are unrecoverable packet losses on the linkage of "anchor -> cloud".


@JsonKey(name: 'videoPacketLoss')
int videoPacketLoss;