onAudioDevicePlayoutVolumeChanged property

(void Function(int volume, bool muted)?) onAudioDevicePlayoutVolumeChanged

The Playback Volume Changed

On desktop OS such as macOS and Windows, users can set the system’s playback volume in the audio control panel.

On some keyboards and laptops, users can also mute the speaker by pressing a key (whose icon is a crossed-out speaker).

When users set the system’s playback volume via the UI or a keyboard shortcut, the SDK will return this callback.

  • Parameters:
    • muted(bool):
      • Whether the speaker is muted. true: muted; false: unmuted.
    • volume(int):
      • The system playback volume, which users can set in the audio control panel. Value range: 0-100.

Note You need to call enableAudioVolumeEvaluation and set the callback interval (interval > 0) to enable the callback. To disable the callback, set interval to 0.


final void Function(int volume, bool muted)? onAudioDevicePlayoutVolumeChanged;