onRemoteVideoStatusUpdated property

(void Function(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, TRTCAVStatusType status, TRTCAVStatusChangeReason reason)?) onRemoteVideoStatusUpdated

Change of Remote Video Status

You can use this callback to get the status (Playing, Loading, or Stopped) of the video of each remote user and display it on the UI.

  • Parameters:
    • reason(TRTCAVStatusChangeReason):
      • Reason for the change of status.
    • status(TRTCAVStatusType):
      • Video status, which may be Playing, Loading, or Stopped.
    • streamType(TRTCVideoStreamType):
      • Video stream type. The primary stream (Main) is usually used for camera images, and the substream (Sub) for screen sharing images.
    • userId(String):
      • User ID.


final void Function(String userId, TRTCVideoStreamType streamType, TRTCAVStatusType status, TRTCAVStatusChangeReason reason)? onRemoteVideoStatusUpdated;