onUpdatePublishMediaStream property

(void Function(String taskId, int errCode, String errMsg, String extraInfo)?) onUpdatePublishMediaStream

Callback for Modifying Publishing Parameters

When you call updatePublishMediaStream to modify publishing parameters, the SDK will immediately update the command to the cloud server.

The SDK will then receive the modification result from the cloud server and will send the result to you via this callback.

  • Parameters:
    • code(int):
      • 0: Successful; other values: Failed.
    • extraInfo(String):
      • Additional information. For some error codes, there may be additional information to help you troubleshoot the issues.
    • message(String):
      • The callback information.
    • taskId(String):
      • The task ID you pass in when calling updatePublishMediaStream, which is used to identify a request.


final void Function(String taskId, int errCode, String errMsg, String extraInfo)? onUpdatePublishMediaStream;